Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Life is Good!

We've been back in Japan almost 3 weeks now.  It almost feels the same as before except so many people and services here on base are missing. Yes I know we are all lucky to not have been in the path of destruction as seen on March 11th.  So I am not complaining so much as WISHING and HOPING.  There is a difference, yes?

Hubby is home and working one hellacious night shift.  But he is home nevertheless, even if we only see each other in passing.  I am just glad we are all in the same country once again.

I have resumed my workouts and I feel great.  I am down 15 pounds and have lost inches all over.  I actually tried on a couple of bathing suits today and didn't walk out in tears.  Like I told my bestie Jaime today- CrossFit is the shiznit!  I recommend it to everyone (especially certain roller-derby superstars to-be)!

To sum it all up, LIFE IS GOOD.  I am going to enjoy it all I can.



  1. So good to hear that all is well! Also, I love your cherry blossom background.

  2. Thanks! I think after the earthquake and evacuation, I have learned to appreciate what I have more. :)

  3. AHHHH!!! So much awesomeness... though crappy on the night check thing.... but still - CrossFit for the WIN!!!!!

    I bet that whole evacuation experience really changed a bit of perspective - the entire experience has changed the way I think about things, and I wasn't even involved directly! I'm so glad you guys are back and mostly settled, I know that had to be so hard and I'm still so so proud of everything you helped with and how much the families of Atsugi were able to donate and help out with.

    And I am in awe of how you handled it all and how much joy you get in the day to day living you do in Japan.

    Of course, I hafta say... more than anything? I MISS YOUS GUYS!!!! <3

  4. Jaime, you just made me cry! I miss you so much!!

  5. Awww, no tears! *HUGS!* Much love!

    I'm really stoked for you about CrossFit! Wish I could go with you - then again, I kinda wish you could do derby with me!!! ;o)

    I also sometimes find myself wishing they just offered a roller-derby-esque workout rather than the two practices (three hours each, plus an open skate. Wooosh! No wonder so many roller girls have great behinds!). I bet lotsa chicks would have fun with a strength training workout then some skating endurance!

    All that aside, I hafta say, CrossFit still scares me a little. I'm not sure I could do it without some serious cheerleaders behind me! *laughs I'm thinking you pretty much kick butt, lady!

  6. I tagged you!! I hope everything is going well!!


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