Thursday, December 2, 2010

Crystal Anniversary

Can you believe I am old enough to have been married for 15 years?
 Me neither! *wink* 

Fifteen years ago I married my Sailor and became a Navy Wife.  Did I think for a second we would be in Japan 15 years later?  No chance!  I had no idea what life would bring, I just knew who I wanted to spend my eternity with. 

 It hasn't been easy.  The Navy makes it hard (like not being together on our 15th anniversary), but I also think it has all made us stronger and more dedicated to each other.  It's true what they say, absence DOES make the heart grow fonder.  I think out of our 15 anniversaries, we have spent 10 together.  It's funny, because last year we didn't really make plans for our anniversary and Hubby apologized.  I told him- that's ok, we will do something big NEXT year.  Here we are, and he is on a big steel box out in the big blue ocean somewhere.  Maybe that was a lesson to us to grab the moments while we can.

I woke up to a really sweet email from him, wishing me happy anniversary.  Sometimes when I think he doesn't have a romantic bone in his body, he surprises me.  As for next year, who knows if he will be home?  But you know what?  That is ok, I still feel loved, and he knows I love him.  That is what counts.

I had to look this up on YouTube, it has been in my head all day.  It totally shows my age, but I don't care, I love this song!



  1. I love that song too, and burned it to a mix CD for my husband for our first anniversary, which he spent in Kandahar. Seems to be a theme here. :-)

    Happy anniversary!

  2. Thank you!! I used to make mixed tapes when my hubby did his first deployment, I kind of miss doing that. iTunes is not the same!
    Our first anniversary he was out in the Persian Gulf somewhere. It is a common theme for us milspouses unfortunately.

  3. We send each other sd cards with pics, scans of coloring book pages, mp3 music mixes, etc. You could prolly do the same with a thumb drive and include some video messages? Not QUITE the same, but still a potential bit of fun and a change up from email, eh?

    Happy Anniversary, sweets! *HUGS*


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