Thursday, April 21, 2011

Going home

I am going back to Japan!  I am very excited, but I still don't have tickets in my hot little hands.  Until I get those tickets I will be anxious.  Shoot!  I will still be anxious because I have to get Brownie's health certificate so the nation of Japan will let me doggie in!  And let me tell, when there is no military vet nearby, it is a PAIN IN THE BUTT!  

Basically I will be relying on a couple of overnight packages and paying lots of money out the nose.  I really was hoping to leave Brownie here with the in-laws, but they don't have dogs anymore and I think Brownie would be lonely without us. *sad face* 

 Taking a pet to Japan is no easy task!  Even though we have only been gone one month- we have to jump through all of these hoops.  Luckily, she already had her FAVN test (test for Rabies antibodies), and it is still valid (they expire after 2 years).  She has all of her shots, microchip, and FAVN test.  Now the vet must examine her, fill out the paperwork to be faxed to the USDA office for pre-approval.  Once they get that, we have to overnight the paperwork to USDA, and include a pre-paid overnight envelope to send the certificate back.  I just hope USDA works quickly.  I would have done all of this already- but.  But the certificate is good for 10 days.  Make that 9 days seeing that we will lose a day traveling to Japanland. Oh- I have to let Japan know I am bringing a dog to the country.  It is supposed to 40 days notice, but we are exempted this time around. :)

 I am not looking forward to the actual flight.  But I AM looking forward to seeing my honey again!!  It will all be worth it when I am in his arms again...

Cross your fingers I receive my itinerary tonight (morning for Japan)!!


  1. I just got my itinerary about 30 minutes ago. I hope yours comes soon. What day are you returning? I'm leaving on the 25th. SEE YOU SOON!

  2. I'm so happy that you are excited!!! Wishing safe travels for you, your family, and Brownie =)

  3. No itinerary yet. :( I should have had it days ago, but they are giving me a hard time. Hopefully I will have something by morning. I am going to go coo coo if I don't get something soon!

  4. I stumbled on your blog through military spouse blogger, I'm a fellow Navy wife living in Japan!

    I hope your flight back gets ironed out soon and it goes by quickly. All the paperwork and details are a huge headache, but will hopefully be over soon!

  5. Hi Teri! Thanks for dropping by! I have your blog in my reader. So how do you like Japan so far?
    I do have tickets now, I will be headed back soon!

  6. Hi Nancy,

    My husband and I are considering orders right now. We've been in SD for our whole marriage (he was in Japan as a single sailor, years ago) and I'm looking for some advice. What's life like in Japan? How are job prospects for spouses? Do you live on base? Off? Drawbacks? Things to consider? I'd love to engage in a more detailed Q/A offline, if we can start emailing, just let me know. I'll check back to your blog often and go back and read lots of it too.

    Email me if you can (


  7. Hi Colleen! I will send you an email to give you some answers. But I think you should come! Most people (those who are willing to go off base and experience Japan) really like it here.


Talk to me!