Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's my Blogiversary..

Wordle: On Living Overseas...

Woohoo (cue fireworks and celebration music).  1 year ago I disovered this wonderful world of blogging (duh- where have I been?)  72 posts later I am hooked!   I have met some wonderful people online and now I have 15 subscribers.  It may be a drop in a bucket compared to others- but I cherish my wonderful readers.  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!  Much love to you all.  Maybe next year my numbers will be up to 30?  Here's to hoping....

If you would like to read more- please check out my favorite post from my 1st year....



  1. Did you change your URL? Somehow I have a different one for you in my Google reader! And you have a surprise waiting for you on my blog =)

  2. I did change it- didn't think it would mess everyone up. Shoot!

  3. I meant I didn't realize it would mess everyone up...

  4. Happy Blogiversary!!!!


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